courageous conversations for the soul
Michael H Brown
Devon Life Coach
+44 (0)7775 528876
About me
"The sessions I have had have given me fresh perspectives, usable skills and opened new horizons."

My professional journey has taken me from tending to the 'posh' gardens of Hampstead to sailing in the Western Isles of Scotland on youth leadership programmes and providing supported housing for homeless teenagers. From children's homes as a residential social worker to executive training & consultancy for international corporations. Along the way I have run programmes helping office workers maintain physical and psychological well-being and used my limited acting skills as a role-player/facilitator for the fire service and the medical profession.
I have acquired various qualifications along the way - Teacher of the Alexander Technique, Coaching certificate with the Institute of Human Development and a 3 Principles facilitator certificate, all of which have all helped me to develop professionally and personally.
My working life was almost constantly accompanied with a general feeling of low lying anxiety, until I came across the 3 Principles and it was then that I understood for the first time how my moment by moment experience was created. And my feeling of anxiety simply fell away.
It took just one thought to rest in a more peaceful place - that we don't experience the world around us ...we experience our thinking about the world around us. We are living in the feeling of our thinking. Always!
When we can see this fundamental truth we no longer feel ourselves to be a victim of circumstances and we are far less inclined to worry about things and feel the need to control 'our world'.
As we start to see the thought-created nature of our personal reality, we hold on to our beliefs and identity a little more loosely and we more readily return to our innate sense of well-being.
I understood for the first time the mechanisms at work behind how we function psychologically and spiritually. How the mind works and what creates the very experience of life. And I got very excited about bringing this understanding to others.
And when I'm not coaching I like to be the best father and grandfather I can be. I like to swim and surf, walk in the woods looking for suitable pieces of wood from which to make walking sticks, dance ecstatically, read voraciously and meditate quietly. And I'm developing a keen interest in the renaissance in psychedelics assisted therapy, particularly in helping those with of end-of-life distress and anxiety.